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*NOTE: Ginger Rodriguez has been moved to the Control Stage.

Join Ginger Rodriguez and friends at Timeline Fest 2024 — a DIY multi-genre music festival presented by PIMPTOPIA PRODUCTIONS, HLLWN PRTY, and THE RABBIT HOLE!


The two-day festival will be hosted at 4800 Menchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78745 from Aug. 23rd & 24th, with tickets being $15 at the door. Ginger Rodriguez will play day two of the festival (Aug. 24th) at 9:45 p.m. on the Control stage!


The festival will consist of indoor and outdoor stages, with the DarkWebMafia and Downfall stages being indoors, and the Uplift and Control stages hosted outdoors.


Each stage acts as a different dystopian timeline (for the exception of the DarkWebMafia stage) that reflects the world around us and our prospective futures. Dressing in theme/in costume is highly encouraged!




  • Uplift Stage: utopia, angelic, nature, romantic

  • Downfall Stage: dystopia, grunge, alternative

  • Control: the integration of both UPLIFT and DOWNFALL timeline themes​​



  • Parking will be limited so carpooling and/or using ride-share services is highly encouraged!

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